Report Viewer

New look- more features. For Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11



* This version requires .net framework version 4.8 or later and the VC++ 14.0 runtime.  Installer will install the required components prior to installing the ReportViewer program.

New in this version
1. Search "Filter On" notification lets you know when your search results are filtered. 2. Save open document as PDF 3. New Alternate Workspace to accomodate Microsoft Store and Windows Bridge versions of MS Office
4. Resigned installer should provide for better installation experience
5. Several optional Data Grid Columns now visible by default
6. Targets newer version of VC++ runtime to address versioning issues with original VC++ 14.0

1. New runtime components provide better compatibility
2. New Code Signature improves installation experience.
3. New handler for opening protected documents.
4. Limit Fax request selections to 6 documents at a time for more reliable delivery
5. Optional Print Options Dialog
6. Auto Select-All Verification prevents printing unwanted documents
7. Enforces 60 day password expiration
8. Help Menu Link to Password Management Page.

Click here for more information or installation options

MedEDocs Customer ReportViewer - View and manage reports